MetaQuotes Software Corp. started its operations in 2000. It is a developer of MetaTrader trading platforms.
To this date MetaQuotes Software Corp. has a great loyalty from the major organizations in the financial field all over the world. The company is one of the software suppliers for financial markets. The company operates not only with the program products development, but also offers innovations allowing users to get more advantages.
During its presence on the software market, MetaQuotes Software Corp. has developed 5 trading platforms for rendering brokerage service on Forex: FX Charts, MetaQuotes, MetaTrader 3, MetaTrader 4, and MetaTrader 5.
The MetaTrader 4 platform gained a great popularity among Forex traders and brokers. MetaTrader 4 includes all the components needed for organizing brokerage activity and trader's work on financial markets. The new MetaTrader 5 platform was released in summer 2010. Comparing the new MetaTrader 5 trading platform with the MetaTrader 4 version, we can point out a range of extra opportunities. From now on, using MetaTrader 5 platform you can trade not only on Forex, but also on options, shares, and futures markets.
Besides, there are many other distinctions between the MT5 platform and its earlier version. The main distinctive feature is that on one MT5 account for each financial instrument there can be only one position. The result of a deal can be an increase or reduction in the position’s volume, its closure or reversal. The new MetaTrader 5 platform is gradually introduced by dealing centers and brokerage companies.
Singapore Exchange
Time | Country | Indices | Period |
02:00 | MI Inflation Gauge | Dec | |
02:30 | ANZ Jobs Advertisements | Dec | |
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23:00 | NZIER Business Confidence | 4 quarter | |
01:30 | Westpac Consumer Sentiment | Jan | |
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01:50 | Current Account | Nov | |
07:00 | Economy Watchers Survey | Dec |