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Managing your finances during the early adult stage

Since handling your funds and preparing for your future financially is not something that is specifically taught in school or can be learned overnight, knowledge on the art of financial management would be beneficial especially for individuals about to start the phase of the so-called adult life.

Avert Financial Elder Abuse

There is a not-so-familiar type of perversion: financial elder abuse. It is prevailing in many countries. However, we have minimal knowledge about this form of deception. Before we illustrate the w ays to avoid it, let’s picture how the scam actually happens.

Last-Minute Retirement Checklist

We all want to retire peacefully where we can just relax and enjoy life. But as we get closer and closer to our golden years, are we all set for retirement? Here are some of the important things we should check before we retire Emergency Fund This concept is also applicable to retirement.

Financial Advisors` Initial Take on Trump

Based on a campaign that was seen by many as merely pure rhetoric instead of substantive, advisors are not an exemption to those who are wary of what the newly elected president will bring and how it will affect the field of finance.

Forex Graphic Analysis

If beginners want to get started on Forex, they need to learn two basic things: technical analysis and graphical analysis. Both analyses provide graphical data that helps traders predict movements of the market.