A system in which the price of a security is quoted using a decimal format rather than fractions. For example, a decimal trading quote would be $56.25; using fractions, the same quote would appear as $56¼. The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) ordered all stock markets within the U.S. to convert to decimals by April 9, 2001. Prior to 2001, markets in the United States utilized fractions in price quotes. Since decimalization, all quotes appear in the decimal trading format. Decimalization has led to tighter spreads since smaller price movements can be accounted for.
Brokerage Supervisor
Brokerage company officer responsible for appointing, training, and managing brokers, as well as for selling the products to the brokers. The super ...
Incremental Dividend
Series of regular increases to a company’s dividend. Many huge corporations prefer to include this policy because it demonstrates the firm&rs ...
Balloon Option
An option contract wherein the strike price dramatically increases after the price of the underlying asset reaches a specified threshold. A balloon ...
Activity Center
An amalgam of activity costs related with specific processes and accounted in activity-based costing (ABC) systems. Ever activity center is identif ...
Parity is defined as:
It is a situation of equality. It may appear in many different context, but it constantly means two t ...
Defining Inflation
Inflation is the sustained increase in the overall level of products and services in an economy over a particular time period. Expressed as percent ...
Digesting Financial Statements: Working Capital
Analysts and investors look at the working capital and its trends to measure a company’s financial performance. This metric determines a busi ...
Income Sources for Creating Retirement Fund
We have already tackled the overview of retirement, its significance, and allocating money for it, the next we are about to discuss is looking for ...
Featured Investment: Annuity
Featured Investment: Annuity
Investments are what trading is all about. And knowing about the various a ...
An Introduction to MetaTrader 4 and MetaTrader 5
Metatrader 4 (MT4)
Metatrader 4 (MT4) is a prominent trading platform among online brokerage firms developed by MetaQuot ...
Time | Country | Indices | Period |
02:00 | MI Inflation Gauge | Nov | |
02:30 | Retail Sales | Oct | |
02:30 | ANZ Jobs Advertisements | Nov | |
02:30 | Building Approvals | Oct | |
02:30 | Company Operating Profits | 3 quarter | |
02:30 | PMI Manufacturing | Nov | |
03:45 | Markit Final Manufacturing PMI | Nov | |
07:30 | Commodity Prices | Nov | |
09:00 | Nationwide House Price Index | Nov |