A law signed by the US Congress, which restored worker protections against pay discrimination. Signed under the Obama administration on January 29, 2004, it amends the Civil Rights Act of 1964. The said act aims to protect individuals every time an employer makes a discriminatory pay decision on its employees. Individuals must seek rectification under the federal anti-discrimination statute. Point of clarification: Discrimination on the grounds of age, national origin, race, religion, sex, and disability will accrue every time the worker receives a paycheck that seemed discriminatory.

Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act was named after a Goodyear Tire Production Supervisor Lilly Ledbetter who filed a lawsuit against the tire manufacturer in 1998. She said her salary pay mirrored sex discrimination. The Supreme Court rejected her appeal but that ruling enkindle legal groups who noticed the decision was a lapse for safeguarding women and civil rights. Eventually, this led to forming this bill.