SEC Form N-27F-1 is also referred to as Notice to Periodic Payment Plan Certificate Holders of 45-Day Withdrawal Right with Respect to Periodic Payment Plan Certificates. This means that SEC Form N-27F-1 is a filing with the intention of informing investors that are holding periodic plan certificates of fees that they will be paying under the investment and their withdrawal rights to be submitted by custodian banks for issuers of period plan payments under the Securities and Exchange Commission. SEC Form N-27F-1 must be given to all purchasers of plan certificates. The data gathered under SEC Form N-27F-1 includes the details of the quantity of regular monthly payments made, the total value for all charges, the percentage of investment represented by the charges, the total quantity of scheduled payments to be made over the full term of the plan, and the total scheduled charges to be deducted over the term.