Incidentally, student loan is not the only option to earn a college degree. Read on to find out the different alternatives to finish your studies.
Apply for Scholarships
Especially if you are studious or have achieved a lot, getting a scholarship is a viable choice. The grant covers some or all of college expenses. Good thing there are numerous opportunities for students to obtain a scholarship or two. said approximately $46 billion in grants and scholarships is allocated by the US Education Department yearly. Various entities, churches, and nonprofit organizations give scholarships as well.
Enlist in the Army
The US Armed Forces offers some financial aid to servicemen such as the Post 911 GI Bill. Enacted in 2008, the measure can shoulder up to 100% of an army veteran’s tuition and other fees. One must have rendered at least 90 days of service and remains active in the military, or been discharged because of disability or honorably dismissed to claim this benefit.
Enroll in an Online University
With the rising significance of technology in our lives, a person can take an undergraduate or graduate course in an online university. Normally, the cost of studying online is less expensive than attending a conventional college. A 2013 research by Babson Survey Research Group revealed the percentage of academic leaders who consider online education as the same or higher than face-to-face learning increased to 77% from 57% in 2012.
Study in a Community College or State University
Many families believe attending a private college or university can give them better quality and greater employment opportunities. However, majority of middle class families experience difficulty in sustaining their children’s college education as time passes by. Hence, they are pressed to borrow a huge amount of money to continue financing their studies. Let’s crunch the numbers. The tuition fee of a state college ranges from $9,000 to $16,000 annually, while the rate at a private institution can cost between $36,000 and $51,000 a year. A 2011 study by the National Bureau of Economic Research showed an individual’s educational background has nothing to do with his income.
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