Economists still consider college as the best way to land high-paying jobs. However, they no longer consider it as the key to success. According to a 2014 Accenture poll, 46% of workers were underemployed and working in a field not related to their college degrees.
But these jobs won't look for them and they must be proactive, says Diana Gruverman, Director of Employer Service at New York University's Wasserman Center for Career Development. Below are some ways to escalate the chance of finding a better job even before graduating college:
Create a LinkedIn Profile. Young individuals should begin creating their LinkedIn profile as early as their senior year in high school even if their profile may only contain their educational background, extra-curricular activities, awards, and skills, says Dan Schawbel, Forbes contributor and founder of Millennial Branding. It is also ideal to include all the jobs they had including babysitting or working at a summer camp. One of the advantages of having a LinkedIn profile is they can establish their connections early. Most adults have their own LinkedIn accounts with several connections.
Have a Concrete Plan. According to MyMajor.com, 80% of students entering college had not chosen a major and 50% would change their major while studying. But doing such would make them incur more debt, generating higher payments after graduation. If uncertain with future career plans, students must find a job after high school until they decide what they want to study, instead of just going to college without a precise plan, said Harvard economist Richard Freeman.
Do Not Follow Your Passion. Entrepreneur and Shark Tank star Mark Cuban argued most of our passions in life do not translate into successful careers. Instead, follow our effort and look at the time we spend. Whatever we spend the most time doing may be our career. Here is the catch: Whenever we spend time with a certain activity or thing, we gain a lot of skill, making us knowledgeable in that field. So, becoming an expert is equivalent to career success.
Establish Networks. Gruverman said students should establish real life networks. Get connected with everyone, may it be fellow students, friends, teachers, professors, and alumni, among others. Having a network increases the chance of landing a job. Yes, you may feel uncomfortable selling yourself as a potential candidate. But most people you encounter are eager to help you out because they were once in your situation. Even individuals with years of practice feel the same way. Also, keep in touch with them. They will definitely make sure you are on their mind in case they find a job opportunity they think is suitable for you.
Find a Mentor. Unless they also working in the same field you want to pursue, your family, friends, and professors won't be able to help you most effectively. Schawbel points out the best mentor is someone who is doing what you desire to do. For instance, if you intend to become part of Window's advertising arm, enter those two terms and see who comes up. Although it is a long shot, many professionals find this approach impressive. If you are able to get one mentor, this may change everything for you. Students can also ask their parents for a connection. They can make a way to approach someone.
Keep an Open Mind and Be Open to Changes. The more applications you submit, the higher your response rate will be. As much as possible, send 20 to 30 job applications a week, although this may vary depending on your mentor's advice or the types of jobs you are applying to. There is no such thing as right or wrong jobs, only different kinds of experiences, says Lori Balantic, a senior associate director in Connecticut College’s career counseling program. Do not stick to only one company, one position, and/or one industry for you might miss better opportunities by limiting yourself too soon.
Basic Forex Concepts
Time | Country | Indices | Period |
07:00 | Economy Watchers Survey | Jan | |
11:30 | Sentix Investor Confidence | Feb | |
01:30 | Westpac Consumer Sentiment | Feb | |
02:01 | BRC Retail Sales Monitor | Jan | |
02:30 | NAB Business Confidence | Jan | |
13:00 | NFIB Small Business Index | Jan | |
15:30 | Building Permits | Dec | |
17:00 | Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell Speaks | ||
22:30 | FOMC Member John C. Williams Speaks |