Fibonacci numbers were discovered by an Italian mathematician named Leonardo Fibonacci. These are a sequence of number in which each successive number is the sum of 2 previous numbers.
e.g. 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, etc.
These numbers possess a number of interrelationships, such as the fact that any given number is approximately 1.618 times the preceding number.
Retirement Contribution
A contribution to a retirement plan. It may be pretax or after tax, depending if the plan is qualified, how much the contribution is in relation to ...
Credit Card Teaser Rate
Lower interest rate imposed to a new cardholder over a set period. Credit card companies use this tool to attract new clients. As per the CARD Act ...
Grading Certificate
Document issued by inspectors or an approved grading panel, stating the quality of a commodity. It is significant since a commodity must be declare ...
Environmental Economics
Economic field studying the economic impact of environmental policies. Environmental economists conduct studies to identify the empirical or theore ...
Trickle-Down Effect
Phenomenon in which an advertisement is rapidly circulated through word of mouth or viral marketing. It works when an ad is too compelling due to i ...
A Guide to Becoming a Finance Expert
Wouldn’t it be nice not having to rely on another person when managing your funds? Aside from the added convenience it brings, being able to ...
Buying a Home: Everybody’s Goal
Since childhood, Selena has always dreamed of owning a large farm house surrounded with lots of animals – every kind of animal the world has ...
Renovate or Move?
You have a well-furnished home with a garden full of flowers and plants. Imagine sharing your beautiful abode, which has four bedrooms, a kitchen, ...
A Primer on Retirement Planning
Every person dreams of enjoying their lives once they reach their golden years. Most people desire living in a house with a beach front view or a m ...
Retirement Planning: Maximizing the Power of Compounding
“The early bird catches the worm.” – William Camden
Time | Country | Indices | Period |
07:00 | Economy Watchers Survey | Jan | |
11:30 | Sentix Investor Confidence | Feb | |
01:30 | Westpac Consumer Sentiment | Feb | |
02:01 | BRC Retail Sales Monitor | Jan | |
02:30 | NAB Business Confidence | Jan | |
13:00 | NFIB Small Business Index | Jan | |
15:30 | Building Permits | Dec | |
17:00 | Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell Speaks | ||
22:30 | FOMC Member John C. Williams Speaks |