Situation in which money or loans are too difficult to obtain in a specific country. Normally, tight money can be borrowed at extremely high interest rates. Also called dear money.
Global provider of financial news and information, and analytic tools including real-time and historic price data, trading news, financials data, a ...
Clean Your Skirts
Slang phrase in the equity market, describing a trader’s obligation to make calls and check possible prior obligations in a security transact ...
Large Cap - Big Cap
Refers to companies who have at least $10 billion market capitalization value. This is an abbreviation of “large market capitalization” ...
Gazelle Company
High-growth firm increasing its revenues by at least 20% annually for four years or more, starting from at least $1 million revenue. The growth rat ...
Incremental Value at Risk
Amount of uncertainty added or deducted from an investment portfolio by buying a new instrument or selling an old one. Investors use incremental Va ...
A Guide to Your Personal Income Tax: Papers
Documentation is the most significant part of taxation. If you do not properly account your income and expenses, chances are you will likely miss o ...
Digesting Financial Statements: Long-Lasting Assets
Long-lived assets, also known as non-current assets, is any asset a company expects to keep for at least one year. Such assets are expected to boos ...
Buying a Home: Closing the Deal
It’s almost done! With just a few steps away, the house that you have been dreaming of will be yours.
Ethical Investing: Leaving an Ethical Imprint
After selecting the rightful ethical investments and making it work, it is about to decide how to disburse your assets after you die. You have two ...
Buying a Home: Getting Into the Escrow Process
You write an offer and the seller accepts it. Deal closed. It is about time to go through the escrow process. Why does a buyer need to undergo this ...
Time | Country | Indices | Period |
02:01 | Rightmove House Prices | Jan | |
06:30 | Industrial Production | Nov | |
06:30 | Tertiary Industry Index | Nov | |
09:00 | PPI | Dec | |
09:30 | Producer & Import Prices | Dec | |
19:00 | President Donald Trump Speaks | ||
09:00 | Claimant Count Change | Dec | |
09:00 | Claimant Count Rate | Nov | |
09:00 | Average Earnings Index | Nov |