It is the highest number of options or futures contracts investors are allowed to hold on one underlying security. Exchanges and/or regulatory bodies establish different position limits for each contract based on trading volume and underlying share quantity. The Chicago Board Options Exchange is one entity that calculates position limits for options exchanges.
Pinning the Strike
The tendency of the price of a stock to close near the strike price of heavily traded option as the expiration date nears.
Ratable Accrual Method
Ratable Accrual Method is used to determine when and how much was gained in a certain period of time. This method may be used to compute the intere ...
Referring to an unproductive employee who tries to avoid work and/or responsibilities. They also use working office hours to use the internet or pe ...
Tier 1 Capital
First part of two-tier risk based capital standard describing the capital sufficiency of a bank. A core capital, it entails common stock, disclosed ...
Forward Exchange Contract
An agreement between 2 parties to exchange 2 designated currencies at a certain time period in the future.
Principles of Trading: Risk Management
It is imperative for traders to master risk management, which includes knowing how much you could lose per trade or over time and evaluating the pe ...
Introduction to Banking
Banking is an integral part of any financial system. In order to keep your money safe and start building wealth, you need a place where your funds ...
A Guide to Your Personal Income Tax: Steps to Take before April 15
Taxpayers, remember these two dates when filing your tax return: December 31 and April 15. We have previously discussed what to do before the year ...
Digesting Financial Statements: Cash Flow
Companies generate money from borrowers and/or borrow money from creditors. Next, firms purchase assets and/or finance projects and programs. Then, ...
A Guide to Your Personal Income Tax: Common Filing Mistakes
Failure to file the return on time is the most common mistake committed by taxpayers. Here are some of the other mistakes, which can cost you a lot ...
Time | Country | Indices | Period |
02:00 | MI Inflation Gauge | Dec | |
02:30 | ANZ Jobs Advertisements | Dec | |
05:05 | Trade Balance | Dec | |
10:00 | SECO Consumer Confidence | Dec | |
23:00 | NZIER Business Confidence | 4 quarter | |
01:30 | Westpac Consumer Sentiment | Jan | |
01:50 | Bank Lending | Dec | |
01:50 | Current Account | Nov | |
07:00 | Economy Watchers Survey | Dec |